Recommend focus measures for potential STAR rating goals per contract based on measure-level contextual information input by the user
This ML model is used to predict if a member will respond to outreach campaign. It helps prioritise members who are more likely to respond to an outre ...
Predict the STAR rating cut-offs for all measures and provide projected STAR rating for contracts.
Provider target list for each measure based on gaps within focus measures that can be influenced by the provider
End of Year (EOY) score projection per contract per measure.
This ML model is used to predict the best channel for reaching out to members, to ensure increased member response rate. It helps identify key attribu ...
Adjust compliance rate projections using weekly/monthly granular clinical measure-level progress information .
This ML model is used to predict the best time for member outreach to ensure increased member response rate. It identifies key attributes for predicti ...
Member target list for each measure based on the likelihood of gap closure upon engagement